Returns Policy

Item(s) shipped from warehouse (BasicItalia) We do not exchange products but you can send it back for a refund. You can then make a new order and buy an item that you are interested in.

If a product is faulty, please visit the “Returns and refunds” section, “What do I need to do if I have received a faulty item?”

Item(s) shipped from a physical store
Items shipped from a physical store can be exchanged/replaced in any physical store with the same sign as the Brand purchased.

Show the receipt within 30 days from the date of purchase and the item that you want to exchange/replace. You will be able to change the item with one of equal or higher value (adding the amount difference) than the one purchased in the original order.

After the change in a physical store it will no longer be possible to proceed with the online return of any items in the order. This service is only reserved to stores in Italy.


The link for entering the return request is active in your Account as soon as all the goods included in the order have been delivered and the request can
only be sent once. In case you intend to return products at a later time you must Contact us.        

You have 30 days from delivery in which to fill in the online form for the return of one or more products.

Log in to the website using your username and password. Click on Account and then ‘Past Orders’ and use the ‘Return orders’ function. Insert the information
requested. You will then receive a conformation email with the return number and instructions on how to send the goods back.

Do not follow this process if you have received faulty goods but visit the section "What do I need to do if I receive a faulty item?" instead.  

If you purchased via Amazon Pay or PayPal Express Checkout you can access the site by configuring a password directly on our site. Click on "Login" and then on "Password Assistance"

Enter the email or username used to place the order and configure the password. Once the new password has been created, you can check the status of your order, return the products, or give consent to receive our newsletters, and always be informed of news and offers.

You need to complete the return request (sends you back to point How can I return one or more products) and send the items back within 30 days or bring it at the nearest shop you have choosen between the conventioned ones, in accordance with article 52 of the Italian Consumer Code (6th September 2005).

You can return one or more items and make a single package of all products for which you wish to receive a refund.

During the return procedure you can decide whether:

- procedure by post/courier to warehouse (BasicItalia). This is at your charge and responsibility and can be carried out using the means you consider most convenient (post, courier, etc...) In both cases, the goods must be intact, never worn and packed in their original packaging - if this is not available, it must be replaced by packaging suitable for shipment by post or courier. The label acquired from the return procedure must be attached to the package.

Log-in to your account and fill in the online form. Enter the required information. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a return number and a summary of your
request. In all cases, the refund will be made when the goods return to the main warehouse, you will receive an e-mail updating your return file and the e-mail confirming the refund management. You will receive a confirmation email that the refund has been processed within a few days and by the time set out by our terms of sale.

The refund will be made within 14 days of the return according to article 56 of the Consumer Code modified on 21st February 2014.

The refund will be made into your account by:

- Bank transfer into the same account used by card to make the purchase;

- Into your PayPal account for purchases made by PayPal;

- By a bank transfer into a current account by filling in the refund details if payment was made with cash on arrival.

Additional costs for delivery will not be refunded.

In the event that you receive a faulty item, contact us as quickly as possible within eight days of receiving the item. Contact Us and take care to state:

- Order number

- What product is affected, indicating the model and code on the label which accompanies the item;

- Send a couple of photos showing the defect.

Customer Service will respond as soon as possible and provide all the necessary assistance.

Should defective items have been sent from a physical store, we will collect them and provide a refund at our own expense. It’s not possible to request a substitution.

In order to exercise your right of return, the product must be in good condition along with its own tag and its original packaging if provided
(plastic bag or box depending on the item).

That means to say that the products returned are in as-new condition, they must not be used or washed but only tested.

In the event that failure to comply with these indications leads to a reduction in the value of the product, we can hold you responsible for this reduction in value, therefore you will be contacted by our Assistance to organize the return to your address of the goods that do not comply with the return conditions, which cannot be refunded to you.

Still haven't found an answer?

Contact us through our fast chat Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.